Soirée #1

SATURDAY, JUNE 13th, 2020 - please join us for a 10 person or under soirée at The Cathedral in Brooklyn, NY. Begins at 7pm

The FAQs


This is an effort to say fuck you lockdown while also being clean, festive, and social! By jamming out with impromptu music-making sessions and such. Good times to be had by all.


  • Bring your musical instrument please – acoustic/analog only por favor


  • A friendly crowd of cool people who like music and are chill!

  • Don’t even think about bringing any money it won’t be accepted!

We’re Cool Because We Are Friends

Let’s be real about music for a minute: it’s nothing without friendship.

Friends transmit music between one another by virtue of our embedded human desire to share and cultivate. Without it, music has little distance to travel and will die the same death any stagnant entity would endure due to entropy.

I want to put on this event in order to counteract the very disturbing effect lockdown has had on music, those who practice it, and those who love it.


  • Free improvisation musical chairs!
  • Sonic Pictionary!
  • Intimate roundtable discussion about what the hell we can do to save music from certain destruction


This shit will be done clean. The hope is that by doing things right, we don’t need people feeling the need to wear facemasks and other anti-social items. We all look super cool in our Mad Max cosplay outfits, sure, but we are way more fun to be around when our facial expressions are not being obscured by a (admit it) filthy rag strewn across your lips and nose.

So we will be doing the following things:

  • Individually-labeled disposable cupware
  • Enough seating to promote comfortable, respectfully-distant socializing
  • Individual volcano bags for each stoner who attends

Please do suggest other things we can be doing to cultivate a friendly and clean atmosphere!

Boring Details


The Cathedral is on Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn, NY. Contact Andrew for specific building and apartment number.


Parking is super easy. Easy like a fox! If you are driving to the soirée, you should be able to park right outside.


The Cathedral is very conveniently located on the 2, 3, 4, 5, and S (Franklin-Prospect Park) lines. All lines are all operating normally however they are now shutting the lines down for “cleaning” at 1AM. Please plan accordingly! We are starting things a little early in the evening in order to accommodate.


We may do a little bit of recording during the proceeds of the evening. This is mainly so that we can show off how we are cool for getting together and being humans. We will totally not capture you on audio or video unless you are comfy with it.

music sorted by date

Delegated Powers / Crimes Committed Garrett Semmelink (violin & melodica & percussion)
Composition Jan 11, 23
Reflection, No. 4 Garrett Semmelink (violin & percussion)
Reflection Sep 18, 20
Perspectrum Tyler Dinner (guitar)
Live Score Sep 04, 20
Head in the Clouds Garrett Semmelink (violin)
Live Score Sep 04, 20
CMYK Tyler Dinner (guitar)
Live Score Sep 04, 20
Artifices Tyler Dinner (guitar)
Live Score Sep 04, 20
Nineteen Years Garrett Semmelink (violin)
Composition Aug 26, 20
People Over Platforms, 2020 Tyler Dinner (guitar)
Album Aug 25, 20
PSEUDO Garrett Semmelink (violin)
Composition Aug 23, 20
Upward Fall Garrett Semmelink (violin)
Tyler Dinner (guitar)
Max Pena (guitar)
Album Aug 14, 20
Birthday Cake Chest Wound Garrett Semmelink (violin)
Composition Feb 14, 20
Rococo Slaughter Garrett Semmelink (violin)
Composition Jan 31, 20
Adrift Garrett Semmelink (violin)
Composition Jan 17, 20
A Deep Sense of Responsibility Garrett Semmelink (violin & percussion)
Composition Dec 18, 19
FIREROOM Garrett Semmelink (violin)
Composition Dec 04, 19
Reflection No. 3 Garrett Semmelink (violin)
Reflection Nov 02, 19
Music Ain't For Airports Garrett Semmelink (violin)
Composition Oct 17, 19
Injection Time Lapse Garrett Semmelink (violin)
Composition Oct 12, 19
Solfatara Garrett Semmelink (violin)
Composition Nov 04, 18
Animals (Fucking) Garrett Semmelink (violin)
Composition Aug 08, 15
Infatuated Garrett Semmelink (violin)
Composition Aug 01, 15
Reflection No. 2 Garrett Semmelink (violin)
Reflection Jun 13, 15
Mojo Garrett Semmelink (violin)
Composition Apr 30, 15
Splatter Garrett Semmelink (violin)
Composition Apr 23, 15
Luxury Prism Garrett Semmelink (violin)
Composition Apr 23, 15
Prelude to Titan Garrett Semmelink (violin)
Composition Mar 06, 15
Reflection No. 1 Garrett Semmelink (violin)
Reflection Feb 27, 15
Theia Garrett Semmelink (violin)
Composition Feb 25, 15
Electric Chair Garrett Semmelink (violin)
Composition Jan 14, 15
Titan Garrett Semmelink (violin)
Composition Jan 09, 15
Labor Garrett Semmelink (violin)
Composition Dec 17, 14
Miasma Garrett Semmelink (violin)
Composition Dec 12, 14
Inertia Garrett Semmelink (violin)
Composition Oct 26, 14
Vasoconstriction Garrett Semmelink (violin)
Composition Oct 23, 14
LEK4_AND Garrett Semmelink (steel violin)
Composition Oct 19, 12
Untitled Cosmo D (cello)
Composition Jul 06, 12
MAN QUA MAN Garrett Semmelink (violin)
Composition May 30, 12
Maine Garrett Semmelink (violin)
Composition Feb 10, 12
Drowned Garrett Semmelink (violin)
Composition Feb 10, 12
Schadenfreude Garrett Semmelink (violin)
Composition Jul 11, 11
FUTURE Andrew Grathwohl (clarinet)
Album Nov 16, 10
Freiburg Garrett Semmelink (violin)
Composition Jul 28, 10